Monday, February 28, 2011

Rakan Dealer Baru

Nantikan kehadiran rakan dealer baru kami dalam Rangkaian EmasDunia : Dunia Kian Berubah

"Dealer baru kami untuk warga Pantai Timur dan Sabah" 

Bagi mereka yang berminat untuk menyertai Rangkaian EmasDunia : Dunia Kian Berubah, silakan berhubung terus dengan kami. Kami sedia membantu dan berkongsi maklumat dengan anda semua. Bersama kita memperkukuhkan ekonomi diri, keluarga dan ummah ^_^

" To save your family, buy GOLD
  To help our nation, keep GOLD
  To Follow religion, use GOLD "

Friday, February 25, 2011

Hold gold, silver if there is war: Marc Faber

BANGKOK (Commodity Online): It is wise to hold gold and silver and invest in precious metals during times of war and when geopolitical tensions and economic crisis hit countries around the world, says noted investment advisor Marc Faber.

Faber, who is famous for his prediction of the US stock market crash in 1987, said that commodities, especially gold and silver will be the wise investment options for people in the wake of rising inflation and troubled economies around the world.

Faber, who is the publisher and editor of Gloom, Boom & Doom Report, said that if there is a war, gold and silver would be desirable investments to hold.

“There will be times like the 1990s until 2008 when gold outperformed stocks and vice versa in 2009. But the key is flexibility. We don't know how the world will look in 10 years' time,” he told an investors’ gathering in Bangkok.

Faber said that treasury bills and deposits will no longer be a sure bet against market volatility.

According to Faber, the US Federal Reserve will continue to keep its interest rate below the inflation rate to avoid worsening impacts from the collapse of the credit market, which had expanded to three times the US GDP.

“The US will want to keep a low interest rate and expand the money supply to ease the public debt that stands at four times the size of its economy," he said.

Saying that gold and silver would continue to provide upside gains in the future, Faber said increasing demand for oil in emerging Asian economies and recovering US demand could lead to increasing geopolitical tensions in the Middle East and other oil-producing regions, contributing to upside gains for commodity prices and precious metals.

He also said that the US dollar could rebound in the next few months, but in the long term it would depreciate as the Fed is likely to expand its money-printing measures beyond the $600 billion already announced up to the middle of this year.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Accumulate gold but be cautious on silver

Why is silver continuing to outperform gold?

The silver/gold ratio tends to lead or follow the stock market. Risk assets are outperforming. Silver is outperforming gold as a risk asset. It is not outperforming for monetary reasons. That occurs when both gold and silver advance but silver outperforms gold. This is one of several reasons why bugs should be wary of silver in the near-term.

Typically the stocks will lead the commodity. Relative weakness of stocks against the commodity is always a warning sign. Remember 2007-2008 (to use an example)? When we analyze a chart, where SLV along with four silver stocks charted against SLV, we can see that, prior to the big breakout at the end of the summer, three of the four stocks were outperforming silver. Today, silver is within a hair of its high yet the stocks are badly lagging.

There are other reasons to be cautious. Silver remains a whopping 34% above its 200 day moving average. reports that public opinion (as of last week) was 71% bulls. That is likely even higher now. Does this all sound like a precursor for another breakout in silver? In four and a half months silver gained over 70%. The market will digest that move before beginning another impulsive but sustainable advance.

Gold on the other hand has a better risk-reward setup over the medium term.

Various sentiment indicators suggest there is very limited downside. The recent Commitment of Traders Report showed that open interest was 26% below its recent high while the speculative long (non-commercial) position was 31% off its high. A few weeks ago we saw that the Central Gold Trust (GTU) Premium to NAV was negative. Finally, consider the GLD put-call (data from which we track in our premium service. The 10-day put-call MA is at a two-month high and rising. This shows some skepticism in the market. By the way, we don’t see this in SLV.

Gold is underperforming because it has taken a back seat to risk assets. With stocks performing well the mainstream can ignore gold. Yet, when stocks begin to hit resistance, gold will regain leadership and outperform both stocks and silver. That may not happen in the next week or month but we believe it is coming soon.

Meanwhile, silver has rebounded nicely but our work shows that short-term risk is increasing while the odds of a sustained breakout are low. Yes, physical supply is very tight and yes there is manipulation in the market. Yes, there is backwardation and yes Comex inventory is low. However, what is the market saying about that?

Silver has yet to make a new high and the silver stocks are skeptical. Perhaps these bullish fundamentals were priced in months ago, during silver’s monstrous advance? Those who ignored the market in 2008 got killed. Those who are banking on an immediate breakout and move to $40+ are likely to be disappointed.

Let it be known that I believe silver will outperform gold over the long-term. Most of the stocks we hold in our model portfolio are silver stocks.

Source :

Apa tunggu lagi,,,jom kita mula mengumpul silver/perak/dirham sekarang ^_^

Public Silver tersedia 250g, 500g, dan 1000g

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Dinar dan Dirham

Dinar dan Dirham Serta Spesifikasinya
Khalifah Umar Al-Khattab telah menetapkan, untuk menempa syiling matawang dari logam EMAS & PERAK, maka sesebuah negara Islam itu mestilah menempa dengan kualiti tempaan yang terbaik, menempa dengan mutu yang tertinggi, dan hukum penempaan syiling logam ini mesti dibuat mengikut "HUKUM BERAT" seperti di bawah:

( 7 Syiling DINAR = 10 Syiling DIRHAM )

Umat Islam sebenarnya bernaung di bawah 1 payung pemerintahan yang besar, oleh kerana DINAR & DIRHAM itu merupakan matawang Islam yang wajib didaulatkan, untuk mengenang wasiat terakhir Nabi Muhammad kepada umatnya di akhir zaman, dan perlu pula diikuti oleh manusia selagi belum tiba hari kiamat. Maka dengan kurniaan IQ yang tinggi kepada Khalifah Agung yang bernama Umar Al-Khattab, beliau telah mengistiharkan undang-undang untuk menempa matawang logam daripada unsur EMAS & PERAK, lalu jadilah piawaian sedunia yang dipakai sehingga ke hari ini yang telah menjangkau usia penggunaan 1400 tahun, kekal sepanjang zaman.

Semua syiling Dinar dan Dirham yang ditempa di bawah pengawasan & piawaian oleh ( World Islamic Mint ) ,
mempunyai "cetakan belakang" yang sama, manakala, "cetakan hadapan" boleh berubah mengikut syarikat penempa yang menghasilkan syiling ini.

Permukaan syiling di "cetakan hadapan" boleh mengandungi:

- logo kerajaan negeri
- logo persatuan
- logo syarikat yang menempanya
- atau sebarang logo yang menunjukkan "identiti"

Untuk piawaian seluruh dunia bagi "cetakan belakang" syiling Dinar & Dirham, pihak ( World Islamic Mint ) telah menetapkan ciri baru ini, ianya wajib diikuti oleh mana-mana penempa syiling dari mana-mana negara yang menyertainya, mereka yang berminat menghasilkan syiling Dinar & syiling Dirham matawang Dunia ini, perlulah mempunyai "cetakan belakang" seperti gambar di bawah:

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Pemuda Pemudi : Jom Semarakkan Hantaran Perkahwinan Budaya Islam

Dinar dan dirham merupakan hantaran perkahwinan@mahar pada Zaman Kegemilangan Islam
Emas selain melambangkan kekayaan material turut sebagai lambang kesejahteraan dan lambang cinta abadi

Barangan bernilai dan berkilau seperti ini sangat sesuai dijadikan hadiah @ hantaran perkahwinan

 Hantaran Perkahwinan Masa Kini

Sample Hantaran 1

Sample Hantaran 2

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Selamat Menyambut Tahun Baru Cina

Salam buat semua..

Alhamdulillah,,bersyukur saya kerana masih diberi kekuatan dan rahmat olehNYA untuk terus bernafas dan beribadat di muka bumi ini.
Lama rasanya tak update blog,,ada juga yang dah start msg saya tanya kenapa lama xupdate blog,,maaf ye,,Tuan/Puan,,agak sibuk lately..

Bagi yang dah muka berjinak-jinak dengan emas dan dah jadi agent (syukur alhamdulillah) ,
seminggu dua ini, pasti anda tersenyum lebar menyaksikan harga emas jatuh,,jatuh bukan kerana tidak bernilai..tetapi lantaran beberapa situasi dunia seperti :
  • Masyarakat di negara besar seperti China menjual emas mereka untuk makan besar sempena CNY
  • Kerajaan Amerika "mencetak" lagi USD untuk stimulus pasaran saham US
  • Menguatnya USD kerana ekomoni bergerak dek merancaknya saham (melonjak sekejap je ni)
Its time to lock price guys...

Alhamdulillah..saya sendiri pun sibuk 'lock' price,,(sampai xsempat nk update blog),,hehehe,,
Pantang malam je, online tengok graph and buat research sendiri tentang pasaran semasa.
Insta Trader banyak juga membantu saya dalam analisis pasaran semasa ^_^

Bagi mereka yang selalu tertanya-tanya...

Soalan : Harga asyik turun je ni, boleh ke untung dengan emas?

Jawapan saya mudah : Emas adalah pelaburan jangka menengah atau panjang. Yakni, anda tidak akan dapat melihat hasilnya dalam waktu yang singkat. Emas juga dapat menjamin nilai kekayaan anda, kerana emas diterima secara universal so anda tidak perlu bimbang :)

Soalan : Bila time sesuai nak beli ni (saya nak harga yang paling rendah)

Jawapan : Maaf,,bukan tuan/puan saja nak beli time harga rendah, saya pun NAK JUGA..tapi saya bukan sang ahli nujum,,hehehe,,(but kita still boleh set up target bila kita nak lock price). Namun, percayalah,,sekiranya anda membeli emas fizikal,,tak kira berapa harga time anda beli,,anda akan tetap untung (palaburan jangka panjang dan anda berkelebihan untuk meng'ar-rahnu'kan emas anda)

Soalan : Apa prediction emas untuk tahun 2011 ini?

Jawapan : Tolong baca article ni  cause ini ahli economist yang cakap...^_^

Swiss financier: Gold will strike $1,780 per troy ounce in 2011

Despite the sinking trend gold prices have shown thus far this year, gold bullion will rebound with a vengeance to the average price of more than $1,500 per troy ounce and reach a top value that approaches $1,800 per troy ounce, according to a Switzerland-based financier.

One of two significant drivers to gold's soaring success in 2010 were the U.S. Federal Reserve's efforts to stimulate the nation's economy by announcing $600 billion worth of quantitative easing in November.

The second driver is the debt crisis permeating many European banks that saw the International Monetary Fund and the European Union grant bailout packages to Greece and Ireland. Spain and Portugal are believed to be the next in line to request aid.

A Wednesday report from MKS Finance of Geneva forecast gold bullion's average price in 2011 will be $1,502 per troy ounce and the value for the precious metal will soar as high as $1,780 per troy ounce.

Having reached a record price of $1,431.25 per troy ounce this past December 7, the price of gold was $1,374.50 per troy ounce just before 2 p.m. on Wednesday.

Akhir kata,
Selamat Memulakan Pelaburan dan Selamat Menyambut Tahun Baru Cina 2011.
InsyaAllah lepas CNY ini (second week after CNY), harga akan kembali stabil dan memecut laju :)