Monday, July 25, 2011

Prestasi Pelaburan Komoditi Sehingga 22 Julai 2011

Year-to-Date Performance
Other Commodities
Year-to-Date Performance
Crude Oil
Natural Gas
U.S. Dollar Index

 Analisis menunjukkan silver mendahului dan mungkin akan terus mendahului sehingga ke penghujung 2011. Seperti kita sedia maklum harga silver adalah sekitar usd40 dan cuba melepasi resistance 1 sekitar usd 40.90 dan resistance 2 sekitar usd 42.80.  Tiada resistance untuk menuju ke paras tertinggi sebelum ini iaitu usd 49 dan para pemerhati sedang menumpukan bagaimana silver akan terus bergerak ke usd 49. Ini boleh kita perhatikan dalam masa seminggu dua lagi. Apakah silver akan terus melonjak ke usd 49 dari usd 42.80 pada awal Ogos ? Kita tunggu dan lihat..selamat melabur dan selamat beramal..semoga kita semua dimurahkan rezeki...

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Keuntungan Pelaburan Gold & SIlver Setakat Julai Tahun 2011

Kenaikan Pada 15 Julai 2011 - 0.41%
Kenaikan Pada Bulan Jun - 4.46%
Kenaikan Dari Januari Hingga Kini - 14.73%
Kenaikan Dalam Tempoh 1 Tahun Dagangan (52 Minggu) - 32.23%
Kekuatan Trend Semasa - Strong Bullish 37/50
Kenaikan Pada 15 Julai 2011 - 2.24%
Kenaikan Pada Bulan Jun - 10.35%
Kenaikan Dari Januari Hingga Kini - 27.91%
Kenaikan Dalam Tempoh 1 Tahun Dagangan (52 Minggu) - 114.96%
Kekuatan Trend Semasa - Strong Bullish 31/50

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Jangan ragu-ragu lagi...

BeritaHarian 2011/07/08

Permintaan kukuh pengguna serta pelabur global menjelang 2014

Emas mencapai harga tertinggi pada USD 1590/oz (14/07/2011).

HARGA emas dijangka meneruskan aliran meningkatnya sehingga mencecah AS$2,100 seaun atau AS$67.5 (RM202.57) segram menjelang 2014, meningkat 33 peratus berbanding harga semasa AS$1,527.2 (RM) atau AS$49.1 (RM147.32) segram susulan permintaan kukuh pengguna serta pelabur global.

Ketua Strategi Pelaburan Standard Chartered Bank (Stanchart), Steve Brice, berkata menjelang awal tahun depan, harga emas dijangka meningkat melepasi paras AS$1,600 seaun atau AS$51.4 (RM157.34) segram, 4.3 peratus lebih tinggi berbanding harga semasa.

Brice menjelaskan, terdapat kaitan ketara antara pendapatan isi rumah di China dan India dengan harga emas berikutan peningkatan pendapatan boleh guna di dua negara pembeli emas utama dunia itu yang mana akan menggalakkan permintaan logam berharga berkenaan.

Kumpulan perbankan universal yang memiliki lebih 1,700 cawangan di seluruh dunia itu, menjangkakan ekonomi China dan India akan terus mencatatkan pertumbuhan mantap, sekali gus melonjakkan pendapatan boleh guna rakyat di negara berkenaan.

“Permintaan emas dijangka terus meningkat kerana pelabur melihat komoditi itu sebagai pelaburan lindung nilai,” katanya pada taklimat media mengenai jangkaan pelaburan pada separuh kedua tahun ini di Kuala Lumpur semalam.

Selain itu, Brice berkata, kebimbangan terhadap pemulihan ekonomi Amerika Syarikat (AS) juga menyebabkan bank pusat di seluruh dunia meningkatkan rizab emas masing-masing, justeru menyokong harga komoditi itu terus didagangkan pada harga tinggi.

Sementara itu, tambah beliau, keadaan kadar faedah benar yang masih negatif di AS menawarkan persekitaran yang baik untuk emas.

“Sejarah membuktikan pulangan dalam pelaburan emas sangat tinggi ketika kadar faedah sebenar adalah negatif,” katanya.

Bekalan emas juga, katanya, dijangka mengalami kekangan dalam tempoh terdekat dan ia akan terus menyokong kenaikan harga komoditi itu.

“Kita jangkakan harga emas akan mencecah AS$2,100 pada 2014 dan AS$1,600 pada suku pertama 2012,” katanya.

Pada suku keempat tahun lalu, permintaan barang kemas di India dan China masing-masing meningkat sebanyak 52.8 peratus dan 31.9 peratus berbanding tahun sebelumnya.

Secara keseluruhan, permintaan barangan perhiasan emas global meningkat 8.5 peratus pada suku keempat lalu atau 575.2 tan berbanding tahun sebelumnya.

Pada akhir tahun lalu, harga emas ditutup pada AS$1,421.40 seauns, naik kira-kira 31 peratus berbanding 2009 didorong permintaan berterusan dari China dan jangkaan spekulator bahawa mereka akan meraih untung lebih daripadanya.

Mengapa masih ragu? Bertindaklah sekarang !!!
Hubungi kami untuk maklumat lanjut..

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Should I buy silver now? ?

The end of June marks the end of QE2.

So what does that mean for the US economy? Is the dollar going up or down? Greece, Spain, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, they are all making quite a splash in the headlines today. Of course there are so many conflicts and wars going on , it is difficult at best to keep track of them all.

So how do you protect yourself? Should I buy Silver now?

Let's go back to the year 2000. The price of silver was around $5 per ounce. In fact silver stayed at the $5 level for years. Never the less, Wall Street and the media kept talking up the stock market. Stocks seemed to be the right investment to be in! Remember when the Dow back then was a big deal at 10 ,000? Today the Dow is around 12 ,000. So in 11 years or so the stock market went up to give you about a 2000 point gain. That gain is about a 17% return over that time. Silver on the other hand has risen from $ 5 per ounce to around $35 per ounce today or about a 560 % return over that time.

Even with the huge gain that silver realized, it still has been buried and forgotten . Wall Street continues to talk up stocks and bonds. Recently silver rose even higher than $ 35 per ounce; it closed at over $ 48 in April . That recent sell off of silver from the high of $ 48 to today's level at $ 35 represents a similar opportunity as when silver was $ 5. Silver experts such as Ted Butler are calling for $ 200 per ounce. Some experts are stating their case for silver to rise as high as $ 400 per ounce.

While we don 't know exactly how high silver may go, we do know one thing for sure. Silver is getting very scarce. With all of the industrial uses for silver it is being consumed faster than mined, thus a major silver shortage is coming. In a prosperous world economy, silver is used for antibacterial in water treatments, food, medical, electronics, solar energy, and more. Besides silver's industrial uses , silver dollars are money. There is so much geopolitical chaos in the world as well as financial instability, silver provides a critical hedge of protection. Silver, and its cousin gold, today represents your best option to store your hard earned money from being eaten away from the coming inflation- hyperinflation scenario. Recently, on the front page of USA Today there was an article stating the US debt was about $536 ,000 per US household . The unfunded liabilities such as Social Security and Welfare are not included. This debt cannot be paid back!

Today, while the news has placed silver in the back seat behind the stock market, you have the investment opportunity of a life time. Could silver go down a bit in the short term? Sure it can. The question for all of us is, are you a day trader or an investor? As an investor you know the world's problems are not going to be solved any time soon.

So should you buy silver now?

Back the truck up and buy as much as you can before the rest of the world wakes up to the world 's best kept secret. Don't wait until silver is being talked about in the news. If silver is back in the news then you missed the boat. Learn how to properly diversify your portfolio with the proper position of gold and silver. Call me now for advance info!!