Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Buy gold if price falls further: Marc Faber
LONDON (Commodity Online):
Marc Faber who publishes the widely-read monthly investment newsletter The Gloom Boom & Doom Report says that any fall in the prices of precious metals should not frighten people, and it is the right opportunity for investors to accumulate gold if its price dips further.
In an interview to Fox Business Network, Faber said that what is happening in the Middle East is friendly for gold, friendly for oil, and other commodities.
"The mess in the Middle East will only increase over time, nothing has been solved; in Libya we have a civil war, it is not necessarily about democracy..... All these things are indicating, including the earthquake in Japan, that central banks will continue to pursue expansionary monetary policy to keep interest rates artificially low and that boosts equities and commodities,” Faber stated.
Dwelling deep on the impact of Japanese earthquake and tsunami on the global economy, Faber said: "The key to the performance of Japanese shares is that the Japanese bond market becomes unattractive and that the Yen over time weakens".
"I think as a result of the reconstruction work that may cost up to US$300 billion, that obviously the government will need to monetize, and Japanese bonds in the long-term will become terribly unattractive, and that will push money into equities."
"So, I think Japanese shares are worthwhile to accumulate.”
On where precious metals are heading, Faber said that they are not acting all that well and he doesn't expect new highs for now.
"We live in very volatile times; a correction could be 10%, 20%. I would on any weakness accumulate gold. The long-term outlook for gold is favorable," Faber commented.
Marc Faber, who is a Swiss fund manager, said that a correction in assets prices has begun but the long-term outlook for gold remains favorable and recommends accumulating the precious metal on any weakness.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Precious Metals Shine, Silver Glitters
LONDON (Commodity Online) :
Precious metals were the best performing asset class for the second successive year and the fourth time in the past five years, according to new research by Lloyds TSB.
Silver outperformed the other precious metals in 2010 with prices rising by 80%; more than two and a half times the increase in gold prices (29%@ asb 8.75%) and four times the rise in the value of platinum (20%).
In addition to its position as a safe haven investment, pressures on the supply side and high demand for industrial uses contributed to the strong rise in the price of silver. Silver continued to shine brightest into 2011 with prices rising by 9.3% over the first two months of the year.
In 2010, investors enjoyed a return of 42% from precious metals. Continued uncertainty over the prospects for the global economy contributed to the increase in the price of precious metals as investors sought to maintain the value of their investments.
All nine asset classes analyzed delivered positive returns over the past year with five asset classes delivering double-digit growth in 2010. Commodities (30.0%) achieved the second highest returns, followed by UK shares and Commercial property (both 14.5%).
While precious metals have also recorded the highest return over the past decade (365%), your mortgages are still likely to provide a solid investment as residential property has provided the second highest return (198%), with commodities third (at 176%).
Precious metals were the best performing asset class for the second successive year and the fourth time in the past five years, according to new research by Lloyds TSB.
Silver outperformed the other precious metals in 2010 with prices rising by 80%; more than two and a half times the increase in gold prices (29%@ asb 8.75%) and four times the rise in the value of platinum (20%).
In addition to its position as a safe haven investment, pressures on the supply side and high demand for industrial uses contributed to the strong rise in the price of silver. Silver continued to shine brightest into 2011 with prices rising by 9.3% over the first two months of the year.
In 2010, investors enjoyed a return of 42% from precious metals. Continued uncertainty over the prospects for the global economy contributed to the increase in the price of precious metals as investors sought to maintain the value of their investments.
All nine asset classes analyzed delivered positive returns over the past year with five asset classes delivering double-digit growth in 2010. Commodities (30.0%) achieved the second highest returns, followed by UK shares and Commercial property (both 14.5%).
While precious metals have also recorded the highest return over the past decade (365%), your mortgages are still likely to provide a solid investment as residential property has provided the second highest return (198%), with commodities third (at 176%).
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Silver High Accelerating |
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Silver is Climbing Up |
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Silver can go only one way in 2011
LONDON (Commodity Online) :
Silver can go only one way this year, that is towards north even though its glittering cousin, gold might find it difficult to catch up with the white metal.
The latest scenario (war,tsunami,nuclear leakage) provides both silver and gold, opportunities to scale new highs on their safe haven appeal, analysts said.
Silver gained nearly two percent and hovered near $35 an ounce ever since crisis crippled world’s third largest economy, Japan.
Analysts said the white metal suddenly become a hot commodity purely on incidents happening on two corners of the world as traders and investors turned their attention to precious metals.
The world's largest silver exchange-traded fund, iShares Silver Trust, increased its holdings to record levels since.
They attributed the rise in silver futures to a firming trend in global markets as unrest in the Middle East and crisis in Japan boosted the demand for the precious metal as a safe haven investment .
Silver in particular looked bright ever since it broke the important 40:1 ratio against gold (before in Jan 2011 ratio is 55:1). Its relative strength against gold is increasing.
Silver prices have seen a steady increase in the last decade as analysts said the white metal also offer a lot of security in unstable economy and markets.
2011 started off as year of events and any major events will boost precious metal’s appeal. The silver prices for bullions and coins are monitored every day as these prices change but most of the time, the change is positive.
Japan crisis is expected to help silver reach record heights as unlike gold it has a separate use as an industrial metal, in addition to its safe-haven appeal. Japan will require lot of silver to rebuild while China is expected to increase its silver intake by three times.
In 2011, silver’s Industrial demand is expected to fill nearly 50 percent of its total use with the increasing use of electronics and electrical uses.
Silver miners are also geared up to tap more of the white metal after demand soars. Output from primary mines rose to nearly forty percent last year compared with thirty percent three years ago.
So what are we waiting for..
Start collect and reserves silver as our new investment now!!
Invest and as for MUSLIM lets follow our sunnah.
Call our dealers near you now
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Gold Price Dives $40, Breaks $1,400
GOLD PRICE NEWS – The gold price dropped precipitously Tuesday morning amid massive selling pressure in global financial markets. The price of gold fell $40.50 to $1,386 per ounce against a backdrop of a plunging stock prices in response to escalating worries over a nuclear meltdown in Japan. The Nikkei 225 fell to its lowest level in nearly 2 years, falling 10.6%. Treasury yields fell as investors pondered the fallout from the spread of radiation in Japan. Gold’s sister precious metal, silver, was off $2.21, or 6%, at $33.71 per ounce heading into the open on Wall Street.
Today’s damage in global stock and commodity markets comes as the U.S. Federal Reserve convenes its Federal Open Market Committee meeting. At 2:15pm eastern time, the FOMC is will announce it is holding interest rates unchanged. The wildcard is the policy statement and whether or not the committee offers a more hawkish view in light of the rise in the oil price and budding inflation pressures.
How the disaster in Japan will affect the Fed and whether or not it will mention the crisis is up for debate. It is likely that the Fed will move slower to tighten monetary policy in light of the events in Japan. Notwithstanding today’s steep drop in the gold price, the longer-term outlook remains positive as the Bank of Japan joins other central banks in an aggressive money-printing campaign designed to plug the vacuum in private demand ushered in by the earthquake and its aftershocks.
With the gold price reaching a new all-time high earlier this month, talk of a gold bubble has escalated once again. One of the world’s most prominent gold bulls, Eric Sprott, weighed in his firm’s latest monthly market commentary. In a piece entitled “Debunking the Gold Bubble Myth,” the founder of Sprott Asset Management presented his case on why the gold price has substantially more room to run.
“We’ve seen bubbles before and fully know how they end,” Sprott wrote, “We have no interest whatsoever in participating in some sort of speculative frenzy – that’s a recipe for disaster in the investment business.” He noted that the firm’s “gold investments present no such risk” at this time.
In response to those who point to the stellar performance of the gold price over the past decade as evidence that gold has reached bubble territory, Sprott presented quite the contrary case. “As our analysis has revealed, gold is actually a surprisingly under-owned asset class – and one that has generated far more attention in the media than it probably deserves. While its exemplary performance since 2000 is certainly worthy of discussion, gold simply hasn’t commanded enough investment to warrant the bubble fears it seems to have aroused among market pundits and business commentators. The truth about gold is that most people simply don’t own it…yet.”
He went on to provide a quantitative analysis demonstrating the extent to which gold is under-owned by investors around the world. At just 0.7% of global financial assets – compared to 5% in 1968 and 3% in 1980 – Sprott contended that not only is the public relatively underinvested in gold, but at present gold prices and production capacity it is not even possible to raise global gold holdings “back to a meaningful level.”
To further support his view, Sprott also pointed to the modest valuations in gold stocks that have persisted during the gold bull market. Based on price-to-EBITDA multiples for the AMEX Gold Bugs Index (HUI), Sprott noted that “valuations for gold stocks are currently one-third of the levels reached by the Nasdaq in late 1999. There simply isn’t any evidence of excessive valuations in gold stocks, which is most certainly where we would expect the excesses to be most apparent.”
“Despite all this talk about the gold bubble,” Sprott concluded, “the capital flows into gold vis-à-vis other financial assets have simply not been large enough to indicate any speculative mania.” Instead, investors can be confident that “they are not participating in any speculative bubble by owning gold. They are merely protecting their wealth.”
Gold mining stocks are under heavy selling pressure this morning with the world’s largest gold producers, Barrick Gold (ABX) and Goldcorp (GG), lower by 5.1% and 4.8%, respectively. If Sprott is right about the gold price, then today’s drop is just another bump in gold’s decade-long bull market.
source :
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Bekas pramugara 'PINTAR' dalang geng culik
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Tun Hisan Tun Hamzah
menunjukkan satu daripada sepuluh kepingan emas yang dirampas daripada
kumpulan penculik dalam sidang akhbar di Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah Klang
Selatan, Klang, semalam.
Serbuan pertama yang melibatkan penahanan dua penculik dilakukan di Jalan Pos Baru di sini kira-kira pukul 1 pagi dan enam jam selepas itu tiga rakan jenayah mereka diberkas di Taman Sentosa.
Terdahulu, polis menyelamatkan seorang pengarah sebuah syarikat sekuriti berusia 62 tahun yang diculik kumpulan itu sejak Isnin lalu di lokasi dirahsiakan pada pukul 12.45 tengah malam iaitu kira-kira 48 jam selepas dia diculik.
Ketua Polis Selangor, Datuk Tun Hisan Tun Hamzah berkata, pengarah syarikat terlibat yang menghidap penyakit kencing manis diculik di belakang sebuah restoran di Persiaran Raja Muda, Pelabuhan Klang di sini pada Isnin lalu.
Beliau berkata, selepas menculik mangsa, kumpulan penjenayah itu meminta 10 kilogram emas sebagai bayaran tebusan.
(Utusan Malaysia 10 Mac 2011 )
Penyenayah PINTAR ini memamg pandai (bukan saya sokong penjenayah ye..), cuma saya kagum kerana mereka tak mintak@ tak nak duit. Mereka mungkin belajar ilmu ekonomi kat sekolah dulu-dulu..hihihi,,,
Mereka tahu, kalau mintak duit tidak kira berapa banyak sekali pun..nanti 'nilai' duit itu PASTI akan SUSUT juga akhirnya tapi kalau mintak EMAS dan simpan hasil rompakan tersebut untuk seketika nilai EMAS tersebut pasti meningkat berkali-kali ganda ^_^
Sedangkan penjenayah saja sudah mula berfikir kepentingan mencuri@menyimpan kemewahan dalam bentuk 'nilai' yang tak dimamah dek inflasi.
Anda sebagai insan-insan yang lebih mulia dan waras..apakah tindakan anda?
Mulailah menyimpan aset@kekayaan anda dalam bentuk emas atau perak yang lebih stabil nilainya.
Jangan takut harga emas yang turun naik itu, beli emas fizikal dan simpan elok-elok. Turunnya harga emas hanya bersifat sementara sebagai 'correction' untuk harga emas itu melompat@memecut lebih tinggi ^_^
InsyaAllah harganya PASTI naik!!
Rasulullah SAW bersabda : Dari Abu
Bakr ibn Abi Maryam meriwayatkan bahawa dia mendengar Rasulullah S.A.W
bersabda, " Akan tiba satu zaman di mana tiada apa yang bernilai dan
boleh digunakan oleh umat manusia. Maka simpanlah dinar dan dirham
(untuk digunakan)" - Musnad Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal
Monday, March 7, 2011
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Emas dan Silver Melepasi Nilai Tertinggi
Kepada mereka-mereka yang masih meragui kestabilan emas dan perak sebagai penyimpan nilai, lihat hasil kenaikan emas dlm waktu 1 hari ( 01/03/2011 ). Kenaikan ini adalah disebabkan melemahnya nilai USD dan hasil kenaikan minyak dunia kesan dari pergolakan timur tengah. Marilah kita mula menyimpan simpanan kita dlm bentuk emas dan perak sekarang !!!
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Gold Spot |
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Silver Spot |
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