Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Investing in highly volatile gold and silver?

Gold and silver are volatile and you would be risking your money if you were investing in them and thus - do not invest. Unless, you are even a slight student of the GFC. With even a slight knowledge of the causes of the financial crisis, you could turn the volume down on those assertions that the metals are volatile to a level near zero. These precious metals are safe investments, and here is why.

We are going to identify why the two precious metals are safe investments, although before moving forward, we must know this primary point - gold and silver are hedges against the GFC and their gains are reflections of global growth itself.

In a word, we are not basing gold and silver gains on market sentiment or hope-based forecasts of growth. We know that gold and silver gains are intimately rooted into developments of the global financial system and the continuation of the GFC.

We are not basing gold and silver gains on unfounded investor psychology or a hot tip and are not looking for a quick profit.

Simply know this, as the GFC worsens, gold and silver improve. Also, as the GFC worsens, gold and silver survive.

Know that it is not about a quick profit or a sudden trend, it is about the global financial crisis itself.

Gold and silver are safe investments because as the GFC worsens and money is being lost all over, a significant percentage of that money is simply being transferred to gold and silver.

We are looking into one main cause of the financial crisis and showing how gold and silver grow in direct relation to this cause.

The cause is -INFLATION